1979年,一個印度家庭為了追尋美國夢而舉家移民美國,十歲的小兒子史密斯認識了鄰居女孩,馬上為了她而神魂顛倒。他決定為了愛而成為一位 「南方好男孩」,而這樣求愛的動力卻無法和自己家庭的追求方向謀合,眼看彼此越來越遠的價值觀,好男孩要怎麼抉擇呢?GOOD OL' BOY is the story of Smith, a ten-year-old boy from India growing up in Small Town, America in 1979. While the boy's family straddles the fine line between embracing the American Dream and preserving their Indian heritage, there are barbecues, Halloween and hunting. And as Smith falls for Amy, the girl-next-door, he finds in Amy's father Butch the cowboy he wishes his own father could be. But alas, when Smith's father Bhaaskar sees Smith is quickly losing any hope of remaining a respectable Indian boy, he banishes him back to India. Nineteen years later Smith will return to America, back to a place he once called home.