紐澤西小鎮潛伏著一個神祕的殺人魔,據說他是狂熱的基督徒,總是會在受害者的屍體旁放上一本聖經,警方發現在發現大量的屍體之後開始深入調查,希望能將他繩之以法。然而這位連環殺人魔似乎技高一籌,警方無法掌握身分,只能看著越來越多受害者出現,小鎮漸漸被恐懼的陰影所壟罩。At seven years old, Bill Horton watched in horror as a serial killer murdered his mother. Known as The Evangelist, he places a bible next to her body and quotes scripture as he leaves Bill alone and destroyed. Thirty years later, Bill has grown up and appears to be a model citizen, spending his days cleaning his house and baking. He has, however, picked up the mantle of The Evangelist, killing those who he finds wicked and evil and leaving a bible by their bodies. Bill only opens up to Dr. Laura Cooper, a psychiatrist, who discovers Bill's dark secret. She contacts young Detective Edward Legros who is working on the case with his cynical, veteran partner, Detective John Vance. But what Vance knows about the original Evangelist will lead to a bloody showdown.