一座寂静的小镇里,一位古稀老人领受了上帝的旨意,用中世纪的野蛮手法惩罚人类,替上帝洗清世人的罪恶,清算世人的劣行。没有人知道他要扮演多久上帝惩罚者的角色,甚至连他自己都不清楚这种清算会持续到何时,他只知道自己在这条路上越走越远。直到有一天,他扮演的上帝惩罚者却要不幸地伤及自己心爱的孙女……A dark and gritty psychological thriller that explores one small town man's need to purify the world of sin, one sinner at a time. His medieval and brutal cleansing process directly contradicts the devotion he has for his granddaughter. Tension builds as we discover secrets surrounding the psychotic behavior of this quaint god fearing little town.