有点另类的瑞典电影。成长中的Rille如何打破玻璃墙,坦坦荡荡地面对自己。影片讲述家庭的矛盾,醉酒的爸爸在儿子们心目中酷,但又不负任何责任。开发廊的妈妈,一个人养大孩子。妈妈古板的男朋友,尝试得到孩子们的认可。还有Rille和Erik兄弟俩之间的秘密和矛盾。加在一个足够一场两个小时的drama.Rille is coming of age in a Swedish town; he's chubby, stoic, and deliberate. His younger brother Erik is small, impulsive. They're yin and yang. Their parents are separated, their father a well-meaning alcoholic whom they see on occasion. Rille takes pride in being the keeper of the ping-pong equipment at a youth center, where he's the best player; Erik hangs out with guys who tease Rille, spreading rumors about who his biological father might really be. Their mom, overweight and dependent on Rille, has a frequent visitor, Gunnar, a balding small businessman. Things come to a head when Rille overhears his mother and Gunnar talking and insists on knowing the truth.