当Rafa Ortiz 决定要挑战世界上最壮观的尼亚加拉大瀑布时,这位皮划艇运动大咖就带着他的队伍,从墨西哥雨林河流到美国西北部的瀑布,进行了一场历时两年不同寻常的备战之旅。When pro kayaker Rafa Ortiz decides to follow his dream to paddle over Niagara Falls, he sets in motion an incredible series of events that eventually takes on a life of its own. To prepare for this mission, Rafa enlists the help of world-renowned paddler Rush Sturges and a tight team of their friends. Together they go on a remarkable three-year journey from the rainforest rivers of Mexico to the towering waterfalls of the U.S. Northwest.