文斯(比尔派斯顿)和唐(威廉沙德勒)是来自阿肯色州的义勇消防队员,两人在一次火灾现场中自濒死的受害人手中得到一张藏宝图,并从他口中得知这笔宝藏是一批在50年前失窃的黄金,并且仍埋在一处废弃建筑物下。 在一时贪念驱使下,文斯和唐前往伊利诺州寻宝,但两人的发财梦却因亲眼目击一谋杀案而宣告终止,不幸的是他们也因被卷入两大黑帮的火拼,而被黑帮老大下格杀令,就此展开一场猫捉老鼠的致命游戏中……Two Arkansas firemen, Vince and Don, get hold of a map that leads to a cache of stolen gold in an abandoned factory in East St. Louis. What they don't know is that the factory is in the turf of a local gang, who come by to execute one of their enemies. Vince sees the shooting, the gang spots Vince, and extended mayhem ensues. As Vince and Don try to escape, gang leader King James argues with his subordinate Savon about how to get rid of the trespassers.