影片描写一名美国商人奉公司之命来到满格兰海岸洽谈收购土地兴建石油工厂,当地的风土文物和居民的起居作息跟他这个城市人很不协调,让他觉得此行无聊透顶。不料公司总裁亲到小镇视察后改变主意,想在当开办一所天文学院。商人回到美国的寓所后,也忍不住回想起一望无际的满格兰海岸。Oil billionaire Happer sends Mac to a remote Scotish villiage to secure the property rights for an oil refinery they want to build. Mac teams up with Danny and starts the negotiations, the locals are keen to get their hands on the 'Silver Dollar' and can't believe their luck. However a local hermit and beach scavenger, Ben Knox, lives in a shack on the crucial beach which he also owns. Happer is more interested in the Northern Lights and Danny in a surreal girl with webbed feet, Marina. Mac is used to a Houston office with fax machines but is forced to negotiate on Bens terms.