一辆载著五名问题学生、一名蛮横的体育老师的校车,在一个鸟不生蛋的荒郊野外爆胎。在等待救援时,他们寻求了邻近的居民协助。然而,那个居民,却是心狠手辣的毒贩…。此时,却有一个人,挺身而出,展现出了前所未有的意志力和超群的能力--那位沉默寡言的校车司机。 究竟他们能不能平安返回城镇?A high school bus on its way to a retreat blows a tire and stops at the nearest ranch for help. The driver, five troubled students, and their ridiculous gym- teacher chaperone find, instead, criminals who will stop at nothing to make sure their drug operations aren't discovered. The students and teacher are easy prey for these animals, but standing in the way of certain death is a force more determined and more skilled than any of them ever expected: The Bus Driver.