Steve Grayson是个极受欢迎的赛车手,不仅在赛场上战无不胜,在生活中也非常热心慷慨,经常拿比赛奖金接济需要帮助的人。可惜他的财务所托非人,交给了自己糊涂的好哥们Bill打理。Steve没想到他糟糕的烂账早就被国税局盯上了,但是他更没想到的是,他一见倾心的美人Susan,正是国税局派来的催债专员。 本片由猫王和歌王弗兰克·辛纳特拉的女儿南茜·辛纳特拉联袂主演,和往常一样,猫王在片中演唱了多首歌曲,但值得一提的是,南茜在本片中也献唱了“Your Groovy Self”,成为少数几个在猫王的影片里有自己独唱曲目的女搭档。Elvis Presley sings his way around the race circuit as successful speedway driver Steve Grayson. All is fine and dandy until the tax return submitted by a wise-cracking Bill Bixby (as Steve's manager) is scrutinised by the IRS. Will Elvis be able to raise the $145,000 to pay his tax bill? Will he succeed with his advances to IRS inspector Nancy Sinatra? Will the songs get any worse? Well, you didn't expect the likes of Hamlet did you?