故事设定在70年代的美国南方。纳森(斯蒂潘·本德 Stephan Bender 饰)是个聪明但有些内向的少年,他不幸的生长在一个暴力家庭中。为逃避现实,他幻想隔壁有个叫罗伊的孩子是他最好的朋友。后来纳森一家搬到另一个城市,真的有个叫罗伊(麦克斯米兰·罗格 Maximillian Roeg 饰)的男孩成为了他的邻居。罗伊比纳森高一个年级,两人慢慢熟悉起来并最终发生了关系。一天晚上,纳森的父亲喝醉后开始侵犯他,显然这绝不是第一次。纳森在学校野营时也遭到同学的粗暴对待。也许肉体的死亡反而是一种解脱,在梦里被吞噬的灵魂才能获得绝对的自由和平静? 《梦男孩》入围第58届柏林电影节全景单元。电影根据作家吉姆·格里姆斯利获“石墙文学奖”的同名小说改编。Shy and withdrawn, Nathan (played by Stephan Bender) is new to his school, unusually smart (a grade ahead) and the silent tension at home nearly unbearable. Mom, Dad, and Nathan have moved constantly, town after town, landing, inexplicably, in god-fearing "St. Francesville". Roy (played by the multi-talented Max Roeg), a year older than Nathan, confident and hard-working, drives the bus to their school while a friendship blooms between them into a relationship that is fraught with confusion and yearning. But secrets pick at the relationship, the unspoken rules of their angst-driven interactions unravel as Nathan's world again comes crashing inwards. Tension crescendos as shame and terror, stress and disaster all compete to immobilize and destroy both of their worlds.