奥斯卡影帝杰夫·布里吉斯献上旁白,安迪·加西亚、强·沃特等大牌相挺,好莱坞片头设计大师Pablo Ferro,幕后制作大公开! 你也许不认识Pablo Ferro,但你绝对看过他的作品!包括奥斯卡金奖导演格斯·范·桑特 、乔纳森·戴米、斯坦利·库布里克等好莱坞大导演最爱的片头设计师,他的才华呈现在《奇爱博士》、《心灵捕手》、《尽善尽美》等片。 他是好莱坞最炙手可热的电影片头设计者,不管什么类型、多少预算的电影,只要把东西交给他,两周后便能看到令人惊艳的片头。一个好的片头,除了好的创意,更要上层层扎实的技术堆砌而成,这个从古巴来到纽约之后,才第一次穿上鞋的穷小子,如何成为顶尖的电影片头大师?Pablo Ferro叱吒好莱坞影坛逾五十年,你绝不能错过的好莱坞电影幕后解密!Pablo blends documentary and animation elements to tell the saga of "famous unknown" Pablo Ferro, a man with a personal journey that spans from Havana, during the pre-Cuban revolution to his current home, in the garage behind his son's house. The animation part of the film takes us through the dream-scape of Pablo's memories, while the documentary footage chronicles a very eccentric lifestyle of a 72 year old artist, once hailed by Stanley Kubrick as the father of the sixties look and the MTV aesthetics.