十六世纪的时候,西班牙派出一支由农民、绅士、破产贵族和雇佣士兵组成的队伍,从安达羊西亚、埃斯特雷马杜拉、卡斯蒂利亚高原出发,带着上帝的恩惠、教皇的岩祝福和国王的使命,征服一片遥远而神秘的大陆----美洲。这群人被贪欲驱使,衣锦归乡的梦想激发了这些隐秘的欲望。士兵们铤而走险,他们扬起风帆,沿亚马逊河顺流而下,要去寻找那黄金国。途中,远征的队伍先是遭到印第安人的毒箭的射杀,然著后受到疾病的威胁,他们克服了重重艰难险阻。后来,远征的队伍转入了自己的权力之争。最后的征服者是洛佩·德·阿基雷,他活到了最后,但是他已经成了—个完全的疯子,一个孤独无依和受到上帝审判的人。The film tells the epic story of an expedition that took place between 1560 and 1561, headed by Pedro de Ursúa, in search of "El Dorado." The territory they explored subsequently became Colombia. Three hundred men sold their property and souls to travel down the biggest and least known river in the world. After the rebellion of Lope de Aguirre (who took over command) against Philip II, the king of Spain, this expedition became one of the best-known episodes in the conquest of "The New World." Accompanied by a team of all types, Lope de Aguirre's adventure will end in tragedy, exposing the full range of human miseries.