学美术的允珠(李尚熙)在准备毕业展示时遇到了一名经常引起她注意的人。允珠从对方和自己偶然相撞的眼神中感受到了温暖,渐渐地被对方吸引了。一边打零工一般寻找梦想的智书(柳善英)在某个寒冷的冬日里遇到了用温暖的眼神看着自己的某人。不久后,再次邂逅那个人的智书遵从内心向她伸出了手。Yoon-ju is a graduate student of fine arts and is working on her graduation exhibition. One day, while she is searching materials for her project, she runs into Ji-soo at a junk shop. Watching Ji-soo in an odd place, Yoon-ju finds herself drawn to her. After their initial encounter, Yoon-ju once again runs into Ji-soo at a convenience store, and the two eventually start dating. Never having enjoyed dating men, Yoon-ju finds Ji-soo fascinating and becomes completely infatuated with her.