两位单亲妈妈因缘巧合住到了一起 。白人妈妈碧一天吃到黑人妈妈黛莉拉的煎饼赞不绝口,以此开创了自己的餐饮事业,成为一代事业女强人。然而两位母亲与她们女儿的关系却十分令人头疼。碧与女儿杰茜同时爱上了同一个男人,而黛莉拉浅肤色的女儿佩奥拉却不肯接受自己是黑人的事实,导致激烈的亲情危机。 本片改编自女作家范妮•赫斯特的同名畅销小说《模仿生活》,50年代末被道格拉斯·塞克翻拍。本片因其在种族问题上的重要探讨而获得历史价值。Bea Pullman and her daughter Jessie have had a hard time making ends meet since Bea's husband died. Help comes in the form of Delilah Johnson, who agrees to work as Bea's housekeeper in exchange for a room for herself and her daughter Peola. Bea comes up with a plan to market Delilah's pancake recipe. The two soon become wealthy and as the years go on, their friendship deepens. Their relationships with their daughters, however, become strained. Ashamed of her mother, Peola seeks a new life by passing for white. Bea's love for her daughter is tested when she and Jessie fall for the same man.