几年前,大佬(霍斯特·弗兰克 饰)为了利益,杀光了好朋友姜戈(特伦斯·希尔 饰)的一家。几年后,大佬为了名正言顺地掠夺平民的土地,将无辜的好人诬陷成罪犯,并将他们统统处以了绞刑。但是大佬不知道的是,执行绞刑的绞刑吏不是别人,正是当年死里逃生的姜戈,他不仅没有绞死那些人, 还将他们放走并组成了一支“秘密军队”,为的是除掉大佬以报杀妻之仇。一场复仇之战在所难免......《姜戈:掘墓者》解释了第一部《姜戈》“爱人被杀”的背景故事,且在高潮大战中首次出现了“从棺材中拿机关枪”的经典元素,和第一部形成对接,可以算作是《姜戈》的前传。A mysterious gunfighter named Django is employed by a local crooked political boss as a hangman to execute innocent locals framed by the boss, who wants their land. What the boss doesn't know is that Django isn't hanging the men at all, just making it look like he is, and using the men he saves from the gallows to build up his own "gang" in order to take revenge on the boss, who, with Django's former best friend, caused the death of his wife years before.