冈田进(滨田岳 饰)和安藤勇次(室毅 饰)是东京一家清洁公司的小员工。与毫不自信的阿进不同,安藤哥的感觉似乎格外良好,这一切源于他对爱情的自信。安藤喜欢上了某咖啡馆的服务生阿部由香(佐津川爱美 饰),他要求冈田为其出谋划策。与此同时,他们发现由香似乎被某个男人盯上了。阿进注意到,那名跟踪者是自己的老同学森田正一(森田刚 饰),有着黑暗历史的森田周身散发着黑暗的死亡气息。令阿进意想不到的是,由香居然对他格外中意,两人于是陷入热恋。当阿进发愁如何向安藤哥讲明情况时,双手沾满鲜血的森田则悄然向他们逼近…… 本片根据古谷实的同名漫画改编。Getting two stories in one, Himeanôru depicts the story of co-workers where one of them is gunning to make a cafe's waitress his. When the co-worker visits the said cafe to see the waitress his friend is yearning for, he also meets an old class-mate he has not seen in some time. In a twist and transition the waitress tells the visiting co-worker that she is being stalked by a man. That man is none other than the old class-mate.