在还是王子的时候,亨利五世(肯尼思·布拉纳 Kenneth Branagh 饰)过着非常奢靡的生活,整日沉浸在声色犬马之中,完全不问朝政。然而,父亲的死给亨利五世带来了极大的震撼,在父亲的坟墓前,他痛定思痛,决心背负起身体一名国王的全部责任。 彼时,法军入侵英国,亨利五世带领着他的军队奋起反击,在情势极为不利的情况之下最终夺得了这场战役的最终胜利,这场伤亡惨重但精彩无比的战争被后世称为阿金库尔战役。在打败了法军之后,亨利五世也并没有对战败方赶尽杀绝,而是提出了英法政治联姻,迎娶了美丽的法国公主凯瑟琳(艾玛·汤普森 Emma Thompson 饰),成就了一段佳话。King Henry V of England is insulted by the King of France. As a result, he leads his army into battle against France. Along the way, the young king must struggle with the sinking morale of his troops and his own inner doubts. The war culminates at the bloody Battle of Agincourt.