1999年12月31日,全世界的人都欢欣鼓舞地等待迎接新世纪。受到诅咒拥有不死身的留嘉(丰川悦司 饰)以和阿敬(HYD E饰)正被警察追缉。虚弱的留嘉希望结束自己的生命,两人来到海边,唱着歌的留嘉在朝日的阳光下化成火焰。2014年,经济萧条日本瓦解,许多人移民海外。在马勒巴,八岁的阿翔与哥哥信士和好友阿彦靠偷窃度日。一天,意外遇见了昏倒的阿敬。2025年。19岁的阿翔(Gackt 饰)、阿敬和阿彦(山本太郎 饰)打算偷袭地方帮会“义心会”遇上对帮会心怀怨恨的阿孙(王力宏 饰)变成好友。阿孙为了替受到凌虐的妹妹怡洁(郭善璵 饰)报仇。阿翔对从小就得了失语症但仍在公园画壁画的怡洁一见钟情,但她喜欢上了阿敬。但在怡洁完成壁画的那一天,“义心会”的杀手们来报复了……In the year 2014, Japan has collapsed economically and thus its people emigrated in large numbers and settled in other parts of the world. In a corner in Asia, there is a little street called Mallepa, a big melting pot where Asians such as Hongkongers, Taiwanese and Japanese live together. It was a place where people fought for order, food and freedom. It was there where Shou (Gackt), raised as an orphan and Kei (Hyde), who could live forever, met and became the best of friends. However, they were unable to escape from the fight for power involving gangs of different ethnicity on the street of Malepa...