1944年,冰天雪地的苏联,小小的未知名的火车站,男孩永远失去了母亲。他甚至不知道母亲去世的地方叫什么名字,只知道车站边有一座老旧的塔屋……而后,男孩坐上火车开始了流浪,但不论面对怎样的困难,他始终保有一颗纯真善良的心。 导演简介:伊娃﹒诺伊曼出生于乌克兰,现居住在柏林,大学时学习法律,后来到柏林学习电影。她的第一部长片就被莫斯科国际电影节和鹿特丹电影节邀请参赛。本片为导演的第二部长片。 资料来源:第15届上海国际电影节A 8-year-old boy is travelling with his mother towards his grandfather, but their journey is stopped when the young woman dies of typhus in an unknown town, just as poor and in ruins as any other on the way. However, the boy is determined to go on. Eva Neymann's film is a visual journey into a country covered in snow and left poor by war. This is a place of beautiful, deserted landscapes and people overcome by both need and greed. The tranquil black-and-white images created by Lithuanian cameraman Rimmvydas Leipus masterfully evoke the atmosphere of the Second World War's penultimate year in the Soviet Union. The picture was based on motifs drawn from the autobiographical story of the same name by writer and screenwriter Friedrich Gorenstein, who also penned the script for Tarkovsky's Solaris.