故事從女主角 Allie Pennington 轉學到愛凡隆高中說起,她逐漸發現這邊的同學身手不凡,原來是由亞瑟王和他身旁的圓桌武士所轉世,而且不只是前世今生的輪迴轉世,彼此的關係似乎也貫穿古今、似曾相似。在和由亞瑟王轉世的 Will Wagner 結識之後,Allie 決定要幫助他阻止邪惡勢力的蔓延,不讓歷史重蹈覆轍。本片故事以亞瑟王的傳奇故事為軸心,充滿史詩色彩,再加上輪迴轉世古往今來的神祕色彩,讓這群不平凡的高中生,展開一段精彩萬分的高中生涯。Allie Pennington, the daughter of two Knights-of-the-Round-Table scholars, begins classes at Avalon High where, new to the area, she slowly discovers herself involved in the prophecy of King Arthur's reincarnation. Her being there is no accident. The Order of the Bear, an ancient secret society awaiting Arthur's return, may be at hand, and Allie's own parents, if not members of the Order, are at least Order wannabes. Allie becomes quickly linked to two classmates: Will, the school's revered pretty-boy quarterback (whose girlfriend is having relations on the side with his best friend, and whose dark, brooding step-brother lurks about threateningly), is the most obvious Arthur candidate. Miles, the observant and witty school geek, suffers psychic flashes that always prove true and may be the reincarnation of Merlin. As the Arthur prophecy seems to indeed be unfolding before her, Allie finds herself in the protectorate role, guarding Will against the forces of Mordred who're out to destroy Arthur at his every appearance down the centuries, whose destruction would plunge the world into another Dark Age.