干净的台湾青春片。 张家月(郑宜农 饰)因为心脏不好而休学在家,爱好音乐,闲暇时和乐队排练,给唱片公司寄卡带,带着猫儿“夏天”四处游荡。 资优生陈怀钧(张睿家 饰)爱上了女老师徐以唯(柯奂如 饰),不被学校接受,被迫休学在家,他和张家月相遇,二人产生微妙的感情。 休学在家的两个人,加上张家月的好朋友郑雯莉(林涵 饰),还有钟情于足球,成绩很烂的日本学生成不破朗(藤冈靓 饰),聚在了一起,他们找到了一个“秘密基地”,共同分享青春、成长,面对那些猝不及防的生活真相……Taking you back to those heady teenage days when all problems and challenges were momentary and one wished the now would last forever even while the passage of time was not something anyone thought about. Four teenagers idle away their time dealing with school, illness, friendship, romance and nothing more than the lapse of time in their microcosm.