成为一名职业电影人是超级影迷卡梅隆(迈克尔·安格拉诺 Michael Angarano 饰)的最大梦想,为此,他常常和不理解他的父母发生争吵。一场电影比赛让卡梅隆发现了实现梦想的可能,因为比赛中的赢家能够得到进入专业电影学院学习的机会。 一次偶然中,卡梅隆结识了名叫弗拉什(克里斯托弗·普卢默 Christopher Plummer 饰)的老人,让卡梅隆没有想到的是,这个默默无闻其貌不扬的老人竟然参与制作过如今被誉为现代电影纪念碑的影片《公民凯恩》。卡梅隆对电影的热情让弗拉什逐渐找回了当年的激情,弗拉什找来了自己的朋友们帮助卡梅隆完成他的电影。可是,弗拉什的朋友们都是和他一样对生活心灰意冷的老人,在这样一伙人的帮助下,卡梅隆能够获得最终的胜利吗?Christopher Plummer plays Flash, a curmudgeon with a hankering for classic movies and booze. Cameron is a volatile teen who commits grand theft auto just because the car is an exact replica from Christine. Their relationship is forged in the darkness of a movie theater and fueled by a mutual appreciation of rebellion and cinema. Cameron enters a student film contest, though he lacks the resources of his peers. Learning that Flash is a retired Hollywood gaffer-and the only surviving crew member from Citizen Kane-Cameron follows him to his home at the Motion Picture Residence for the Elderly, a colony of aging film folk set aside by the industry. A quirky fellowship develops, in which Flash and his friends help Cameron make his film, and, in doing so, change his life.