这是城市里宁静的一天,阳光明媚,一道彩虹横跨城市的外延。少女阳子与朋友煲电话粥,时近中午,她的小猫由纪却还不来吃饭。要知道,由纪从来不会错过自己的午餐。阳子有些着急,她出门四下寻找,几个男孩子告诉她曾在传说中的“鬼屋”见到小猫。阳子径直前往。 在这里,阳子发现诸多超自然的现象:悬浮地面上的易拉罐、凭空消失的物体、局部下雨的顶棚和缓慢飞行的鸟儿。男孩们似乎对此颇为熟悉,他们快乐地玩着反地心引力的游戏,阳子也开始痴迷其中。欢乐的孩子们不知道,有些人并不希望他们开到这番景象……Yoko's cat Yuki hasn't shown up for diner and this really concerns her as the cat never misses a meal. She starts looking, asking neighbors if they have seen the animal. Then, one boy mentions seeing Yuki around the 'Haunted House', further up in the city. It's a favorite playground of the boy's group of friends. Yoko soon finds out this isn't an ordinary place. Objects are disappearing, feathers turns into birds and gravity seems to be absent. But Yoko soon finds out the existence of the place is also known by a group of rather reckless people.