热衷于拳击的鲍比住在洛杉矶,他为黑帮老大麦克斯打工,白天在建筑工地搬砖,晚上就为自己跳脱衣舞的女友杰西卡当保镖,虽说手头不算是富裕,但老实本分的鲍比对生活从不抱有非分之想。鲍比的好朋友瑞奇总想成为麦克斯的手下,他游手好闲,整天无所事事,理想就是有朝一日在黑帮混出头,过美女如云,一呼百应的生活。在鲍比的帮助下,麦克斯收纳了瑞奇。 一天,麦克斯交给鲍比一个任务,派他去纽约做一件神秘的黑帮差事。鲍比拉上了瑞奇一起去,两个糊涂蛋的纽约之旅便开始了。Bobby is a struggling boxer and bodyguard for his stripper girlfriend. But he hates his work and wants to move up. So he agrees to go to New York City for his boss to help in the delivery for a money laundering scheme. His partner in crime is his best friend Ricky, an obnoxious loudmouth who has seen one too many mafia movies. Bobby tries to keep it cool and get the job done, but Ricky's antics threaten to blow the entire situation.