Ripped from international headlines, The Hacker Wars takes you to the front lines of the high-stakes battle over the fate of the Internet, freedom and privacy.h)ac(k)tivist-noun: a person who uses technology to bring about social change. The Hacker Wars - a film about the targeting of (h)ac(k)tivists, activists and journalists by the US government.There is a war going on- the war for our minds, The Hacker Wars. The government needs to control information. My film is about the information warriors who are fighting back. This film depicts the dangerous battle in which (h)ac(k)tivists fight for information freedom. Hacktivists impact the world in a new way by using the government's information against itself to call out those in power. Meet the hacktivists: weev, Barrett Brown, Jeremy Hammond. They try to change the world and, sometimes, they go to jail.