讲述一名内向的少年从私立学校转到市区的公立中学上课,遭一群坏学生欺负,并被勒索保护费。他被逼无奈,只好请班上一个大块头的同学做自已的私人保镖。Clifford Peache is the new kid in Lake View High School. Faced with all the stress that role entails he makes his situation worse by insulting Moody, the leader of a group of toughs who extort lunch money from kids. These punks pretend to be bodyguards for the kids to protect them from Linderman who, it is rumored, killed his brother in cold blood. Clifford befriends the sullen Linderman and hires him as his bodyguard. When Moody ups the ante, Linderman must decide whether fighting for what he believes in, with his haunted past and image, is justified.