美国太空总署的一支科学考察队在荒凉的南极州进行科学实验,一天他们收到了一些神秘的信号,经过探测这些信号来自极度深寒的冰层下面。队员们怀疑它不是来自地球的信号,他们立即请来了外星方面的专家rome。正当他一步步接近信号的真正面目时,却发现了令他惊异不已的内幕……In 1947, in New Mexico, a radio operator receives a signal following patterns and while investigating the occurrence, he vanishes. In the present days, the same signal is transmitted from a base in the Falkland Islands to United States of America, and a satellite captures images of a unknown object in Antartic. The cryptologist Julien Rome (James Spader) is invited to investigate the mystery in the South Pole, and he flies to a research base. While a team tries to open a weird shell probably from the outer space, Julien solves the message, indeed a distress signal ordering not to open the case.