安妮(朱迪·福斯特 Jodie Foster 饰)是一名才华横溢的艺术家,一次偶然之中,她目睹了黑帮杀人灭口的场景,成为了这起事件唯一的目击者。安妮来到警局报案,被告知当局追查这支黑帮已久,一直苦于没有证据无法起诉他们,警方希望安妮能够出庭作证。很快,安妮的身份便在黑帮之中暴露了,他们派出了经验丰富的杀手米罗(丹尼斯·霍珀 Dennis Hopper 饰)想要除掉安妮。 就这样,安妮踏上了逃往之旅,但她的一举一动哪里逃得过黑帮的眼睛。在米罗的第一次暗杀行动失败之后,黑帮又追加一群杀手继续迫害安妮。就在安妮即将被杀死的节骨眼上,良心发现的米罗出手相救。An artist (Foster) witnesses a Mafia hit and calls the police. At the police station she realizes that the Mafia has a man in the force, so she runs. Trailed by the police, who need her testimony, and a hitman (Hopper) hired by the Mafia, she goes to Mexico, where eventually she meets the hitman, who has become infatuated after studying her art and life to prepare for the hit.