斯蒂芬.霍普金斯执导的本片讲述的是,四个未知世途险恶的青年结伴前往参观比赛,岂料途中遇上许多意想不到的经历。由于他们处身一个暴力世界中,恰巧目击一宗谋杀案发生,结果累得他们四处逃避保命,而这宗突发事件正好考验众年轻人的勇气。本片故事情节离奇曲折,紧紧抓住观众的好奇心,拍摄技巧也恰到好处Four pals are on their way to a boxing match, but get stuck in heavy traffic. To get to the boxing match in time they take the first exit they find to find another way to the venue. As they are driving around lost in gang-land they get stuck and witness a brutal murder. The killer wants no witnesses and tries to kill them too. The four pals get away the first time, but the killer is soon back on their tail again while they are trying to find help in the middle of nowhere.