黑帮老大(ICE-T)有大约100个手下,他决定把所有的人聚在一个高度安全的监狱,手无寸铁、倾倒枪支、弹药和棒球棍。并让他们互相残杀。最后幸存的三个人将得到10万块钱奖金。A gangster boss (Ice-T) has a list of about 100 people who have screwed up at one point or another. Rather than outright killing them, he decides to have a little fun by putting all of them together in a high security prison, unarmed, and dumping bucketfulls of guns, ammo, and baseball bats on them and letting them kill each other. The final three who survive are given a prize of 10 million dollars. Let chaos reign.