屠宰工人沙基,因为缺了几份年轻时四处工作的证明文件而无法领取退休金。百般无奈的他只得跨上旧型重机,踏上寻找前僱主的旅程,却也意外开启了生命的新页。喜爱公路电影绝不容错过,除了法国南部乡间美景尽收眼底,更完美溷杂了黑色幽默、惊悚与温情元素。大鼻子情圣演出炉火纯青,伊莎贝艾珍妮的插花现身也颇为惊人。Serge Pilardosse has just turned 60 and is about to retire from his job in a slaughterhouse. He has always worked from the age of sixteen, never been on sick leave. So, how will this man fill his days? He does not like reading; doing odd jobs about the house is not his cup of tea; shopping is not his passion ... To make matters worse, his wife Catherine, who still works in a supermarket, notices that her husband will not get full retirement benefits since some of his former employers failed to do the requisite paperwork. So off goes Serge, riding his old Munch "Mammut" bike, in search of the missing documents ...