关于开膛手杰克的故事在世界上广为流传,直到120多年后的今天,这位恶名昭彰的连环杀人犯依旧有着令人闻风丧胆的影响力,但谁都不知道真相。但这股暗黑和悬疑之风却让它多次被人挖掘和重演。With half the police force in London at Drake's funeral Jackson and Susan suggest to the falsely accused Reid that they flee the country but he is determined to expose Dove and his brother Nathaniel as Drake's killers. Hiding out with Drake's old flame Mimi Morton they learn that Nathaniel was responsible for stealing a dog used in dog-fighting and set out to catch him at the next fight. However he escapes by letting the dogs free to cause a diversion. Meanwhile Reid's old adversary inspector Jedediah Shine is brought in as the new head of H Division and makes no secret of his intention to catch Reid.