《愛琳娜》是林靖傑導演繼《最遙遠的距離》睽違六年電影新作,《最》片當時榮獲威尼斯影展國際影評人周最佳影片,且由桂綸鎂主演。時隔六年,新作《愛琳娜》找來演技派的莊凱勛及陳怡蓉擔綱演出男女主角。這是一部台灣氣息濃厚的愛情輕喜劇,故事取材於林靖傑導演對台灣草根庶民的深刻體會,以「失敗者聯盟」的概念發想,希望各種現實生活中的不如意人生,都可以在這部電影中扳回一城,尋回希望。Elena was a factory worker, and a car accident bonded her with violin at the age of 26. She becomes a violin teacher, but earns no more than before. After having worked flat out for eight years, she finds herself alone with no potential suitor in sight. Therefore she decides to find herself a husband within a year to start a happy new life. Nonetheless, it proves to be harder than she expects.