克林特·伊斯特伍德(Clint Eastwood)的儿子斯科特·伊斯特伍德(Scott Eastwood)主演2014年新基督教电影。根据真人真事改编,情节围绕伊恩·麦科马克(Ian McCormack)展开,他从小到大在新西兰水域冲浪,在澳大利亚、东南亚和非洲等地具有挑战性地点冒险。一次,他在晚上游泳时,多次被致命的箱型水母蛰到,抵达医院后不久宣告死亡。然而,伊恩遇到神圣验尸后“奇迹般苏醒”过来,之后对生活有了新的认识。The Perfect wave is a LOVE STORY, with four key pillars, a young mans love for surfing, adventure, a mothers love for her son, a young man falling in love for the first time, Gods love. The film takes the audience on a journey, as our hero searches for his 'perfect wave'. The journey has many unexpected turns, and twists, as our hero falls in-love and loses his way, but as fate would have it, jealousy ensues, and seeking to reconcile our hero travels to Mauritius where one event changes his life forever.