男主角因为女朋友影响自己考学,两人大吵一架,暑假度假计划搁浅。结果男主角的化学成绩岌岌可危,老师网开一面为其进行了特别面试,男主角又合格了。这下,他不用补考,又有心情度假了。只是这回得追回到墨西哥旅行的女朋友才行呀,一路上了为追女朋友,不知吃了多少苦……Young Danny is following his rich girlfriend's family to the Caribbean. But suddenly he simply must take a chemistry test and cannot go with them. After they have left, he gets a leave from his professor and takes a plane to find them. But he is not quite sure where they are, and meets smugglers, crazy captains and murderers.