在距太阳系200万光年之外的宇宙深处,有一颗名为吉鲁西亚(Jillucia)的行星,这里的人民爱好和平,与世无争。但吉鲁西亚的和平很快就被来自伽瓦纳斯(Gavanas)的侵略者所破坏,原本美丽的星球危在旦夕。为了拯救人民,星球长老向宇宙抛出8个宝石,派孙女爱米拉莉达(志穂美悦子 饰)前去寻找8位宿命中拯救吉鲁西亚的勇士。 得知消息的伽瓦纳斯国王一方面炮火阻截爱米拉莉达的飞船,一方面派出军队准备入侵地球,杀掉勇士。伽瓦纳斯的阴谋最终能否得逞? 深作欣二以《南总里见八犬传》的故事为蓝本,仿照《星球大战》拍摄的cult科幻片。In this Star Wars take-off, the peaceful planet of Jillucia has been nearly wiped out by the Gavanas, whose leader takes orders from his mother (played by a comic actor in drag) rather than the Emperor. King Kaiba sends out eight Liabe holy seeds, each to be received by a chosen one to defend the Gavanas. Each recipient, ranging from hardened General Garuda to Gavana Prince Hans to young Terrans Meia, Kido, and Aaron all have different reactions to being chosen.