查普曼英俊、潇洒、智慧过人,他的身份却是双重的。一方面是英国特务,另一方面又和德国军方签下一纸合约。他被德国人派去英国炸飞机场,搜集情报。回来后,受到德国的褒奖,而英国方面也乐意。他凭借智慧,站在了战争获胜者的一边。Loosely based on a true story, Christopher Plummer plays British bank robber Eddie Chapman who finds himself caught between the warring parties in WW2, the British and the Germans. working as a spy for both sides he tries to play the 3rd reich and the British against each other. The real life Chapman described himself as a completely 'amoral' person, which adds a nice philisophical touch to this somewhat colourful spy-flic. Is there any moral in making war? Even if you're the 'good' fighting 'evil'?