朱迪(莱斯利·卡伦 Leslie Caron 饰)自幼失去了父母,成长在孤儿院中。17岁那一年,朱迪写了一篇名为《忧郁的星期三》的文章,这篇文章吸引了孤儿院理事(弗雷德·阿斯泰尔 Fred Astaire 饰)的注意,理事在朱迪的身上发现了异于常人的文学天赋。理事匿名给朱迪写了一封信,告诉她他愿意资助她去大学深造,并且支持她完成成为一名作家的梦想,作为交换的条件,朱迪每个月都要给他写信汇报学习情况,朱迪答应了。 就这样,朱迪进入了大学校园开始了她的学习,因为不知道理事的真名,所以朱迪亲切的称呼他为长腿叔叔。一次偶然中,朱迪邂逅了贵族公子杰维,虽然朱迪不可自持的爱上了杰维,但她知道自己和杰维之间的差距实在太大,于是她选择将这份恋情隐藏在心底。On a trip to France, millionaire Jervis Pendelton sees an 18 year old girl in an orphanage. Enchanted with her, but mindful of the difference in their ages, he sponsors her to college in New England. She writes him letters, which he doesn't read. After 3 years, he goes to visit her at a dance, not telling her that he is her benefactor. They fall in love, but the usual movie-type difficulties get in the way before they can get together at the end.