核子大战十七年后,仅存的人类被集中看管,电脑像狱卒一样,人类被机器人囚禁着。人类已丧失生育能力而只能活活等死。为研制新人种,人类在实验室秘密培育胎儿,以此拯救人类。不料消息走漏,监控电脑派出机器杀手追杀已育有胎儿的母亲玛莉。实验室被毁,玛莉饶幸逃脱,在末日勇士奥斯汀的护卫下,躲避着疯狂的追杀.........人类的希望是否破灭.......After the nuclear war people are sterile and ruled by the artifical intelligences they created in this violent world. The only woman who was able to give life to a child has to take the child through the dangerous city to the ship to save it. She is followed by an immortal killer robot through all the dangers, and only one guy tries to help her survive and protect her from the killing machine.