将近而立之年的鸣海辽子(仲间由纪惠 饰)曾经是某一流杂志《国民周刊》的记者,但是她过于死板迂腐的行事风格和不够圆融的人际交往能力导致她最终被扫地出门。为了生计,辽子放下身段,进入三流周刊《Untouchable》编辑部求职。金钱至上的社会,三流杂志热衷于挖掘社会名流各种鲜为人知的负面报道,而无聊庸俗的花边新闻更是他们乐于满足社会大众低级趣味的最佳利器。身陷泥沼中央的辽子,内心深处依然固守着一流从业者应有的态度和精神。为了追查一桩桩事件、人物、团体背后的内幕,她不惜以卧底身份深入其间。 “绝对不会拥有幸福人生”的辽子,以其特有的方式向这个光怪陆离的世界发起进攻……Reporter Narumi Ryoko loses her job at a first-rate publisher and ends up at a trashy tabloid called "Shukan Untouchable." She now chases celebrity scandals and sensational stories, but she hasn't lost her sense of duty or her persistence. While investigating her stories, she tends to notice details that imply some hidden truth beneath the surface, leading her to probe deeper into dangerous secrets.