电影讲述08年美国大选期间,美国加州通过了一项极具争议的8号提案,8号提案将婚姻权界定为仅限于一男一女的婚姻,使加州同志群体丧失了4个月前刚刚获得的合法婚姻权。随后为了争取婚姻平等,两对最普通的加州同性伴侣与8号提案的支持者就8号提案是否违宪开始了一场法庭上的长期战役。影片用5年的时间拍摄,对于美国的司法体系制度和上诉最高法院这神秘的历程做了前所未有的深刻披露。After the California Supreme Court ruled in May 2008 that same-sex couples could marry, a proposition was put to voters to amend the state constitution to define marriage as being between a man and a woman. After that proposition was passed a group decided to challenge the constitutionality of the amendment. This documentary follows the efforts of the plaintiffs and lawyers over four years as the case winds its way through the courts.