《救世军》是年轻摩洛哥作家阿卜杜拉·塔亚的导演处女作,根据他的同名自传小说改编。电影以第一人称讲述主人公的成长故事:“我”(Said Mrini 饰)出生在摩洛哥港口一个庞大的家庭中。尽管阿拉伯世界严重恐同,但成年男子也会在私下想办法解决需要。由于“我”的家庭负担严重,懦弱的父亲默许男人们对“我”进行性骚扰以获取物质报酬。强壮的哥哥(Amine Ennaji 饰)是“我”生活中唯一正面的男性形象,因此“我”从小就崇拜和暗恋哥哥。可是当哥哥跟一个酒吧女侍私奔后,“我”的人生从此天翻地覆,直到10年后“我”踏上了去瑞士日内瓦的留学旅途...... 《救世军》是阿拉伯国家摩洛哥的第一部同志题材电影,入围第70届威尼斯电影节国际影评人周单元。Abdellah is a young gay man navigating the sexual, racial and political climate of Morocco. Growing up in a large family in a working-class neighborhood, Abdellah is caught between a distant father, an authoritarian mother, an older brother whom he adores and a handful of predatory older men, in a society that denies his homosexuality. As a college student, Abdellah moves to Geneva and while faced with the new possibilities of freedom, he grapples with the loss of his homeland. SALVATION ARMY, the directorial debut for Abdellah Taïa - an acclaimed Moroccan and Arab writer - is adapted from his novel of the same name. Taïa is the first writer of his descent to speak out openly about his homosexuality.