作为联邦调查局第一任局长埃德加·胡佛的亲密助手,克莱德·托尔森掌握的东西比这个国家想听到的要多得多。通过他的视角,我们将逐步了解美国高层那些不可告人的秘密:肯尼迪家族是如何登上政治舞台的?肯尼迪两兄弟又是为何引发众怒,成为众矢之的,最终遭人刺杀?著名女演员玛丽莲·梦露的死与肯尼迪兄弟有着怎样的关系?最有权势又饱受争议的埃德加·胡佛在肯尼迪家族兴衰的过程中,扮演了怎样的角色?Based on the bestselling novel by Marc Dugain, this original docudrama weaves unique archival footage within a fictional story and sheds a new light on J. Edgar Hoover. This film reveals the FBI director's battle to retain power from the Kennedy clan. From 1960 and 1963, two ideals of America come face to face and two sets of morals clash. Clyde Tolson, Hoover's right-hand man and secret lover, is the last survivor of this psychological drama. He recounts this intense political period when America's destiny has never been as dependent on one of the most powerful and mysterious figures of the time.