故事中的死神是一个消瘦冷静的女性,她每日的工作就是接近那些濒临死亡的人类,在适当的时候将他们的灵魂带走。死神阿姨恪尽职守,但同时也抱怨人类数量太多,让她无暇他顾。当然更为烦恼的莫过于死神的儿子莫迪斯,莫迪斯希望妈妈能多陪他一会儿,怎奈妈妈每日奔波在勾领灵魂的道路上,对儿子实在有心无力。为了让妈妈从恼人的工作中解脱,莫迪斯利用电脑开发出一套高效的系统,只要将客户的信息录入,就可轻松在家里完成灵魂的搜集工作。妈妈并不喜欢这种新玩意儿,她觉得应该像对待花朵一样呵护人类从生到死。 当她外出工作的时候,突然发现所有人类的灵魂都突然飞升,原来儿子偷着用了那套系统……Death is away from home too often collecting souls from dying humans. Her son Mortys is tired of being alone and comes up with a computerized system to speed up the collection and classification of souls at Death's HQ so he can enjoy his mother's company more. Mum thinks the old system is more enjoyable and gentle on humans and prefers it to the new one. However, Mortys is unstoppable.