《面包情人》自1998年开始拍摄,以在台北市安养院工作的菲律宾看护为拍摄对象,一方面探索女性外籍劳工离乡来台工作,面对生存、贫穷、梦想、亲情、乡愁与欲望等多重难题的心路历程,另一方面也试图揭示台湾社会所忽略的老人安养议题。该片的所有动画与国际版海报,皆出自视觉传达系学生之手。影片历时13年,耗资千万进行跨国拍摄,不仅获选为“2011台湾国际女性影展”开幕影片,更入围第十六届釜山国际电影节最佳纪录片奖。Money and Honey intimately portray the lives of Filipino migrant workers and the elders in a nursing home in Taipei. On this foreign island, the female caregivers look after the ageing residents. In the flow of life, stories of joy and sorrow take place. What's the price they pay for love and bread? Will their dreams ever come true? In longing do we taste the flavor of money and honey...The film also records the development of a unique female friendship, as the director became a messenger whose camera relayed the feelings and thoughts of the migrant workers and their families to each other.