打着去世界新七大奇迹的幌子下,记录卡尔·皮尔金顿的行程。尽管说重点是去参观奇观,但是每集重点更在于皮尔金顿的反应,看看他访问的国家的文化差异和特性。为了让事情更有趣,热尔韦和制片方出人意料地打电话给皮尔金顿,为他指派任务,并且都是不相关的。它证实了展示的制片方皮尔金顿没有事先警告,这种情况下。摄像师哄骗了他。热尔韦说:“这是一个比大多数纪录片更真实的,你在电视上看到的,都不是我们实现准备好的,我们也不知道将会发生什么。 中国 - 中国长城(第1集) 印度 - 泰姬陵(第2集) 以色列 - 耶路撒冷(第3集) 西岸 - 伯利恒(耶路撒泠南方六英里一市镇,耶稣诞生地)(第3集) 约旦河西岸 - 死海(第3集) 佐敦 -佩特拉(第3集) 墨西哥 -奇琴伊察(第4集) 埃及 -大金字塔(第5集) 巴西 - 基督救世主(第6集) 秘鲁 - 马丘比丘(第7集)Brit Karl Pilkington has led a sheltered life. Not having done any traveling, he enjoys living within the comforts of what he knows, basically that being what is purely British. As such, his friends, Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant, decide to send Karl to various parts of the world to experience unfamiliar cultures. Stephen believes that travel is a life broadening venture, and hopes that Karl will indeed feel like his life is enriched by these travels. Ricky, however, hopes that Karl will hate every minute of his travels. For Ricky, this experiment is the most expensive gag for his own pleasure that he could have conceived.