徐芷婷(林彦禛 饰)是一个活泼可爱的七岁小女孩,因为爸爸妈妈都忙于工作而无力照顾她,于是两人决定将徐芷婷送到外婆家由外婆抚养。当徐芷婷发现爸爸妈妈趁自己睡觉的时候偷偷溜走之时,她感到非常的伤心,并且发誓一定要靠自己的力量回到自己的小家。 要想回家,徐芷婷必须先拥有一张车票,她不放过任何一个可以找到钱的机会,还发动自己的小伙伴乐仔帮自己一起攒钱买车票。虽然一次次的从外婆的身边逃走,但是每一次,外婆都有办法找到离家出走的徐芷婷。随着时间的推移,徐芷婷和外婆之间产生了深深的亲情,当爸爸妈妈再度出现要接她回家时,她犹豫了。Chi-ting's granny worked as psychic when she was little. Granny was illiterate and she saved her earnings in boxes marked with different pictures. One of them was labelled 'Life of Never End Co., Ltd'. Whenever Granny put money into the box, she murmured, 'may my granddaughter be blessed with a long life'. Years later, Chi-ting found the box and all her childhood memories come rushing back to her.