罗马的拉斯提弗列区有一个流行风俗,8月15日圣母升天节,城里的每一个人都希望能与亲戚朋友爱人一起轻松享受一番。这部影片讲述的是,一个无职业的中年男子,与年迈的老母亲住在一间公寓里,他出生于一个中产阶级家庭,但现在变得贫穷不堪。公寓管理员请他帮忙照顾自己母亲几天,作为回报可以免除拖欠的房租,这个中年男子欣然答应了……在八月灿烂的阳光下,他们度过了一个愉快的8月15日。 关于导演 吉安尼·迪·格雷格里奥凭借《八月中旬的午餐》,获得了第65届威尼斯电影节最佳导演处女作奖,同时,他还在第61届戛纳电影节评委会大奖影片《格莫拉》中担任编剧与副导演。Gianni is a middle-aged man living in Rome with his imposing and demanding elderly mother. His only outlet from her and the increasing debt into which they are sinking, are the increasingly frequent quiet sessions at the local tavern. As an Oriental saying goes, 'Moments of crisis are moments of opportunities'. These appear during the celebration of the holiday of Ferragosto on 15 August. That's when everybody leaves town to have fun. Opportunity knocks on Gianni's door in the most unexpected way.