每天浑浑噩噩,除了迟到便是逃学,被同学当作不良少年的光坂高中学生冈崎朋也(中村悠一 配音)在这一过程中和温柔美丽的女孩坂上智代(桑岛法子 配音)熟稔,不知不觉便成为恋人。青春的爱恋平淡,却不乏幸福可言。未过多久,智代当选学生会长,在得到同学们祝贺的同时,他和朋也看似并不搭调的关系引来周围的风言风语,甚至连校长也给予特别的关注。在随后的日子里,朋也与智代不得不疏远起来,他们很少能够找到见面聊天的机会。 似乎因为朋也的原因,智代作为学生会长遭受越来越多的非议,这一切迫使朋也要认真考虑,是否该和智代拉开距离……When Tomoyo is elected Student Council President, her dream to save the school's cherry blossom trees from being cut down begins to come to fruition. However, her never-ending duties and bad rumors about their relationship spread by fellow students due to Tomoya's reputation as a delinquent create a rift between the two. As Tomoya watches Tomoyo rise higher and higher into the distance, their relationship is stretched to the limit by a society that threatens to break them apart.