NHK 2009年最新大河剧。 直江兼续(妻夫木聪 饰),被誉为战国时期第一智囊。他天资聪颖,文武两兼,在为了利益而纷争频起的年代里,独有他将“爱”字戴在自己的头盔之上。直江自幼辅佐上杉谦信(阿部宽 饰),努力研习学问,后成为上杉景胜(北村一辉 饰)的得力助手,辅佐主君走过刀光血影的乱世时代…… 本剧于2009年1月4日正式开播,剧中集结了当下日本艺能界的当红偶像与实力派明星,妻夫木聪、北村一辉、松田龙平、小栗旬、深田恭子、松方弘树、木村佳乃、吉川晃司、阿部宽、常盘贵子、富司纯子、高嶋政伸、东干久等众多新老明星联袂,为观众讲述“第一智将”直江兼续波澜壮阔的一生。The story centers on Naoe Kanetsugu, a loyal and devoted samurai in Echigo Province in the 16th century. Kanetsugu was trained in his early childhood by Uesugi Kenshin and after his death, served Kenshin's adopted son Kagekatsu and is known for his extreme loyalty to the Uesugi family. He also made every effort to protect the people of Echigo with a strong sense of justice and genuine sympathy toward commoners.